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Showing posts from May, 2018

Friends Around The World

Why do you travel? Is it to relax? Sight see? Be a tourist? While there is no wrong answer, your purpose for travelling can shape your experience. People plan whole trip itineraries around these reasons, often a combination of more than one. Ideally on any trip you'll find time to unwind, take in new sights and explore a new place, breathing it all in as only someone foreign can. But my main reason for travelling? Making and building friendships. This is really the best thing about travelling. I consider myself fortunate to be able to have friends in many parts of the world. And know what? Anyone can make friends anywhere they go. We live in a time where the internet is vast and plentiful, and can make it easy to connect with people, no matter where they are. I have a lot of very specific and nerdy (otaku to the Japanese!)  interests and hobbies. Since I love music, collecting records and DJ'ing I ususally start there. It doesn't matter what your interest is; agriculture o